North Coast School of Education

Teacher Induction Program


Building and Supporting Relationships, Equity and Student Success
Through Personalized Professional Learning

  • Acquire tools and skills that enhance and deepen understanding with “take-aways” that can be immediately applied directly to the classroom or mentoring setting.
  • Attend customized classes, offering online, face-to-face, and virtual options.
  • Choose from a variety of course topics ranging from CSTP-based, social emotional learning, and technology techniques to specific mentoring skills and standards-based training.

The North Coast Teacher Induction Program (NCTIP) is a two-year, state-accredited Induction program designed for Preliminary Education Specialist , Multiple Subject and Single Subject credential holders. Each credential has a unique set of standards that must be met in order to obtain a California Clear Credential. Successful completion of NCTIP and any additional credential requirements leads to a California Clear Credential.

With the support of a trained Mentor and self-directed, inquiry-focused professional learning, Candidates reflect on and refine their teaching practice through a California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) lens while they develop strategies and innovative pedagogy for today’s classroom environment.

Mentors play a critical role in the success of new teachers. Their individualized coaching and “just in time” support are essential in guiding Candidates through the process of deepening the teaching practice of the CSTP. NCTIP supports Mentors by providing standards-based training grounded in theoretical research throughout the year that builds upon the Mentor’s knowledge and skills.

Teacher Induction Candidate Eligibility Requirements

  • Hold a valid California Preliminary Education Specialist, Multiple Subject, and/or Single Subject Teaching Credential with a requirement for the completion of Teacher Induction
  • Employed in a teaching position, part-time or full-time, as the “teacher of record”

If you have any questions regarding your eligibility for Teacher Induction, please contact your county's Credential Analyst.

Teacher Induction Mentor Eligibility Requirements

  • Have knowledge of the context and the content area of Mentees assigned to them, including the current context of public schooling, P-12 content standards, frameworks, and accountability systems
  • Have knowledge of diversity in society, including diverse abilities, culture, language, ethnicity, and gender orientation
  • Demonstrate commitment to professional learning and collaboration through effective professional practices in teaching and learning, scholarship and service
  • Possess a Clear Teaching Credential
  • Are able, willing and flexible in meeting their Mentee’s need for support
  • Have a minimum of three years of effective teaching experience on a Clear credential

If you have any questions regarding your eligibility for mentoring in the Teacher Induction program, please contact your County Coordinator.

Teacher Induction Early Completion Option (ECO)

Teacher Induction Candidates, if interested in applying for the Early Completion Option (ECO), the application due dates are as follows (you must be currently enrolled in NCTIP to submit an application for consideration of ECO):

  • If entering the program during Fall Semester, application due by October 15th.
  • If entering the program during Spring Semester, application due March 10th.

View the Early Completion Option Policy here and follow the application procedure. Effective 1/1/2024 a new ECO policy has been be put in place and will apply to all new enrollees.

Spring Enrollment Deadline:
January 31, 2025

Enrollment Steps for New and Returning Candidates/Mentees:

  • Step 1: Spring 2025 Enrollment is closed.
  • Step 2: If you enrolled for Spring 2025, watch for your confirmation email with next steps.

Fall Enrollment Deadline for Candidates:
January 31, 2025

Enrollment Steps for New and Returning Mentors:

  • Step 1: Complete Program Enrollment here.
    This is a new system, you will create a new account unless you were a Spring Start Mentor in January 2024.
    After enrolling, watch for your confirmation email with next steps.
  • Step 2: Register for and Attend Teacher Induction Mentor Orientation here.
  • Step 3: Register for required Mentor Academies.

Please note: If you are a Mentor in multiple NCSOE Programs, you must complete enrollment for each program.